From Ketchikan, Sheila and I made the voyage south, via the torturous northern pass, before docking in Prince Rupert. We went through Canadian customs before going ashore to stretch our legs and walk around town. When we got back to the docks I noticed this little boat.
Two aspects of this scene gripped me:
1. This boat isn't big, as sea-going boats tend to go, but it is well cared for. This boat's condition says something about its owner. What's maintained without a MAINTAINER?
2. Secured at the dock and ready to serve, this little boat looks great, but when it's out on the water it looks different. Away from the marina, it's seen doing what it was made to do - safely moving people and supplies over the water for its owner.
When you look at the Church, ask yourself some questions:
1. "How does Almighty God expect my family to maintain the witness, ministry and outreach of HIS Church?"
2. "Do we embrace God's purpose for HIS Church? Does my family see the followers of Jesus doing what the "OWNER" of the Church made it to do, or does my family expect to see Christians 'looking great' and 'secured at the dock?'"
Whether our families maintain the Church, (deployed for its "OWNER" and doing what it was made to do) depends on how we choose to involve our families in the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ.
Want help with your family?
If you live in Michiana, I've got three suggestions:
(1) Bring 'em to one of GCC's Weekend "FRANTIC FAMILY" Services.
(2) Bring 'em together TONIGHT to laugh and enjoy GCC's delightful presentation of "FAMILY NIGHT LIVE".
(3) Share a family meal with them at "THE EATERY" this week - any meal, any day of the week ahead.
Ephesians 3:10-11 - His purpose was that through the church all the rulers and powers in the heavenly world will now know God's wisdom, which has so many forms. This agrees with the purpose God had since the beginning of time, and he carried out his plan through Christ Jesus our Lord.