I'm getting ready to speak at GSM in a little while.
I'm glad I've made preparations. I'm expecting a lot and I'm planning accordingly.
Most people plan for the big moments of life. The bigger the potential, the more we prepare. It's as if we expect something "extra" so we put a little "extra" into our efforts (think, Thanksgiving or Christmas decorations and such). We can't guarantee what will happen when the moment we're anticipating arrives, but we know thorough preparation increases our prospects for success.
So, dozens of volunteers are working right now - even as I type this - expecting their rehearsals will pay off and their preparations will produce the results we've all been praying for. We believe Jesus is showing up and we want everything ready: our hearts, our minds, our plans and our leaders.
As hundreds of students pour into the building, we've already spent hours preparing (with a little "extra" effort) because we know Jesus is passing through...
Expectations are running high.
Luke 19:1 - "Then Jesus entered and passed through..."