We celebrated Lydia's 3rd birthday last night. It was two days early, but since Sheila's parents were here it was a timely party.
Throughout the evening I kept thinking of the rich heritage Lydia enjoys.
Her parents are "bringing her up in the training and instruction of the Lord," as the Bible says they should. Both of her grandmothers devoted their lives to God's service. Her "Granny" and "Papaw" (pictured above) were married more than 60 years ago and Lydia is made better by their love, whether she knows it or not.
Happy Birthday Lydia.
You, and your generation, are blessed.
Matthew 18:14 - Your Father in heaven does not want any of these little children to be lost.
Happy Birthday Sweet Lydia Dawn!!
Posted by: Amber Cox | January 04, 2013 at 11:32 AM
If there's a person who could look at the photo of Lydia in her birthday hat and in her great grandma's lap and NOT smile, well, I just don't think I know that person.
Posted by: Julie Smies | January 04, 2013 at 04:28 PM