Many of our students have been on Christmas break for a while, so GSM's official "launch" of the New Year was sandwiched between the fantastic weekend communion services (We should all write a note to Dr. Bob saying "THANKS BOB! WELL DONE." And yes, we should use all CAPS.), and the Notre Dame National Championship Game (Displayed so everyone in Michiana can enjoy the game on the big, big, big screens at The Granger Commons). I was excited to see the students and their leaders back together.
I talked to 1,234,576,019 people (that's a rough estimate) and took some random pics during the hours of GSM meetings yesterday.
GSM is soaring. I've checked the last few years of stats. Both Middle School and High School grew by double-digits in 2012 and I'm persuaded 2013 will reach more students than ever.
Thanks for caring. Thanks for praying, serving and sacrificing so students across Michiana can experience God in loving community.
You matter.
This generation is following your lead; keep leading well.
Psalm 71:17-19
You got me when I was an unformed youth,
God, and taught me everything I know.
Now I’m telling the world your wonders;
I’ll keep at it until I’m old and gray.
God, don’t walk off and leave me
until I get out the news
Of your strong right arm to this world,
news of your power to the world yet to come,
Your famous and righteous
ways, O God.
LOVE all the pictures! So proud of John, Gessica and Chuck and all their leaders!! What a great team!
Posted by: Amber Cox | January 07, 2013 at 09:34 AM