I saw this big Tom yesterday. He had roosted in a tree the night before and was late flying down to browse around for food. Turkeys usually leave their perch shortly after sunrise, but I think this old bird was content to sit for a while, reflecting on 2012 and giving thanks that he'd survived the Holidays. He hadn't ended up as someone's Thanksgiving Dinner, so no matter how difficult 2012 had been, his year was ending on a good note.
Some years are like that; it feels like we get through them by "the skin of our teeth." When the difficult season finally ends we breathe a sigh of relief and think, "Whew. That was a tough year, but I made it!"
Maybe 2012 was like that for you. Maybe you're looking back on the last twelve months thinking, "I'm just glad I didn't give up. I did my best, followed Jesus and made a little progress. I know I've got challenges ahead, but I'm glad 2012 is behind me."
I understand.
Every step we took in 2012 (the easy steps and the difficult steps) prepared us for the season ahead. Even if we didn't make the progress we wanted, our current reality "is what it is" and our next steps will be taken from where we are, not where we wished we'd be by now.
We're walking into 2013 with the knowledge we've gained, the debt we've incurred, the spiritual maturity we've established, the friends we've developed and the faith we've embraced. We are where we are, and when we wonder how we got here we'll be well-served to remember the steps we took throughout 2012 (and before). All the steps we took last year brought us to this place.
Now were standing on the brink of a new year filled with new opportunities, and the steps we take in 2013 will determine (in large part) where we find ourselves twelve months from now.
I need to reset my life for 2013 ... and I'm planning to.
If you are ready to reset your life for the season ahead, join me on the first weekend of 2013 for worship, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper and our first step into GCC's RESET Series.
2012 is behind us.
It's 2013.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Let's take our next steps toward Christ ... together.
2 Timothy 4:5-7a - But you—keep your eye on what you’re doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God’s servant. .... My life is an offering on God’s altar. This is the only race worth running. I’ve run hard right to the finish, believed all the way. All that’s left now is the shouting...
Thank you for taking the time to encourage us in our walk of faith :)
Posted by: Lesa Kershner | January 01, 2013 at 11:45 AM