I had lunch with Rajendran today.
When we got back to my office I asked our friend Jack Magruder (GCC's Director of Life Mission), to grab a quick picture. Standing with Raj is an honor.
Raj inspired me with a story this afternoon. It's about a church-planter.
This fellow couldn't read, but when he surrendered his life to Jesus he believed God wanted him to plant a church. He spoke with his pastor and was told he would never be able to plant a church because he was unlearned and illiterate. When he told Raj how sad he was that he couldn't plant a church, Raj offered to train him.
His training began. In his first three months (the time between the 1st and 2nd of the 5 training modules), this illiterate man befriended people and led dozens to Christ.
Here's how...
He approached educated and esteemed men with this request, "I cannot read but I have this book. Would you help me understand the meaning of this book?"
Many agreed to help him. They read his Bible. They discussed its message and many believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
This man not only planted a church, he now helps Raj train church-planters.
How great is that?
( FYI - If you want to go to India and and see how your story intersects the stories of our church-planters, check this out. )
Matthew 28:18-19a - Jesus drew near and said to them, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples."