What would it look like if the Church understood and acted on Her dual role of serving and loving people?
What would it look like if the Church used every tool at Her disposal to feed the hungry, care for the marginalized, bind-up the broken, help struggling families and lift high the ideals of the Good Life?
What would it look like if the church called “Granger Community Church” resolved to activate it’s campuses for the common good?
It might look something like I’ve pictured in this post.
We hosted Penn High School’s winter dance last night. The kids were safe. The parking was secure and the students were well supervised. Penn’s staff was superb. Professional security officers were on duty. GCC volunteers and staff were everywhere: checking coats, registering students, serving refreshments, running lights, monitoring sound, helping young men tie their neckties and young women rearrange their wind-blown locks.
The Granger Commons was busy last night. It’ll be busy again this Saturday, when GCC engages the largest Food Drop in our 26 year history, but I’ll save that story for another day. For now, enjoy your vicarious experience of “Snowball at the Granger Commons.”
Ecclesiastes 3:4b - There is a time for dancing.