Thirteen months ago the Main Entrance to The Eatery at The Granger Commons looked like this. In this picture you're looking south, through the front doors before they're in place.
It's easy to see progress when we're looking at a building project, but growth and development in our relationships, friendships, faith and family can be harder to measure. Progress isn't always obvious. Delays happen. Development slows. If plans are unclear, or cooperation is missing, people may drift away from their dream - and then drift away from their team.
Look back on your last year.
- What's right in your life?
- What's wrong?
- What's confused?
- What's missing?
- What steps were taken to build the life God invites you to live?
Get clarity on your building process. Your next steps will take you somewhere and a year from now you'll want to look back on your progress, so worship God and follow the Way of Jesus. That's the way to build a life.
Acts 24:14a - (Paul) "But I will tell you this: I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way of Jesus."