It's Friday night (well, actually it's Saturday morning) and I'm 200 miles north of Granger with GSM High School students and a bunch of GSM leaders. We are cranking! It's Winter Retreat Weekend at SpringHill and the kids are receiving instructions for their Broomball Tournament.
I personally received several shouted broomball admonitions. I'm sure each came from a heart of love and was intended to improve my tournament play. Unable to give any better advice than I've received, I'll pass along what I learned from those yelling at me from court-side:
"No high sticks!"
"Play the ball not the person!"
"The referees have complete authority!"
These bits of advice are commonly heard, and they are certainly most endearing.
Broomball on the ice is a lot of fun.
It appears I'll be coming home with bruised shins...
Proverbs 9:7-8 - Confront bad behavior and get a kick in the shins. So don’t waste your time on a scoffer; all you’ll get for your pains is abuse. But if you correct those who care about life, that’s different—they’ll love you for it! Save your breath for the wise—they’ll be wiser for it; tell good people what you know—they’ll profit from it.
I think you're awesome, Mark! Way to be out there on the broomball court! It's the most dangerous sport I've ever encountered and shows the great lengths you'll go to to build relationships with kids. Praying students lives are CHANGED by the Gospel.
Posted by: April | March 09, 2013 at 09:48 PM