I arrived early for worship in Elkhart. I saw what happened before worship happened. I saw the meeting before the meeting. I know what happened before the church gathered, when a handful of devoted singers, artists and pastors met together to articulate their intentions. No assumptions were made. Objectives were clarified. Prayers were prayed. Reminders were given. Plans were reviewed. Underlying every word was the deeply held belief that the matter-at-hand was of towering importance.
There was conviction there. Each man, every woman, knew why they were about to do what they had resolved to do. I thought: None will be satisfied until everyone in Elkhart surrenders to God's LOVE and follows Jesus. Their purpose is consuming. As long as they draw breath they'll serve God - and God calls every man, woman and child in Elkhart to follow Jesus. It's the same in LaPorte. It's the same in Granger. It's for all of Michiana.
So if you're ever asked about the goals of Granger Community Church, do not proffer some tripe about little dreams and small vision. Love enough to speak the truth: "The people of the church are living for Jesus and they're giving their lives to help everyone else do the same. They'll settle for nothing less."
Prepare yourself.
God's vision for you is not paltry, meager or small; God's plan is neither measly nor pathetic. He redeemed us for a purpose and it is glorious. God came in His Son Jesus to serve, and to give away his life in exchange for those held hostage. His Love is changing the world.
One week from now, on Easter weekend, I'm asking everyone who hears the sermon to devote the rest of their lives to serving God. I'm asking every person with ears to hear to accept God's invitation and follow Jesus - giving away their lives in the service of others.
Get ready.
Matthew 20:27-28 - Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not be served—and then to give away his life in exchange for the many who are held hostage.