We were cleaning our garage with Ruby and Clara when it became obvious to me that the girls wanted to help their Grammy. They asked to help and Sheila let them.
Every parent knows there’s a big difference between a kid’s best effort and that child’s mere compliance to their parent’s wishes. One behavior is not like the other and though casual observers may say, “Hey, at least you’ve got the kid working,” wise moms and dads know when they’ve captured a child’s heart, desire and passion.
A little differentiation helps; when a child truly wants to do something, they find delight in it. Mere will-power (“I’m determined to do this.”), only gets us so far. When we run out of simple will-power (Still succeeding with any of your New Year's resolutions?) we start doing what our hearts truly desire. (“I want to help my mom and hear her say, ‘Well done.’”)
Connect with kids and capture their hearts, so they understand you have a genuine interest in them. When they understand you want to know them and know about them, maybe they’ll give you their best effort… and their loving trust as well.
Luke 19:17a - “Well done, my good servant!”