I know "out of sight, out of mind" applies more readily to 2-year-olds than full grown adults, but with so many GCC congregations meeting in so many different places, at some many different times, that phrase describes the situation for all of us. If we don't see each other from time-to-time, we can forget how diverse and numerous we are.
For the thousands who gathered at the fairgrounds this morning, God gave a reminder of who we are and whose we are.
Joshua, Nyke, Leroy and Gene helped me see the truth more clearly. God has deployed HIS people across Michiana and we are accepting HIS invitation to adjust our lives and follow Christ... together. As we do, we see HIS Kingdom coming. In the midst of a great service, the time those guys shared on the stage brought a moment of great clarity to me.
We're blessed to have each other, no matter which campus or congregation we attend.
Zephaniah 3:9b - All of them will speak the name of the Lord and worship me together.