I've seen this look a thousand times: just before a child jumps off the edge of the pool, immediately prior to saying, "Catch me" and launching themselves into the air or the instant preceding a long scary slide. It's a hopeful look. It's the last glance, cast to see if the one about to catch them is actually going to do it. It's a quick glimpse through questioning eyes, "Are you ready for me to do this? Will you catch me? Can I rely on you to be there for me?"
I'm pretty sure we never outgrow the need to be reassured, to be reminded we matter enough for someone to be there for us. In fact, the older we get (the more we've been rejected, disappointed, abandoned and deserted), the more we long for someone, anyone, to do what they said they'd do, keep faith with us and honestly care about our well-being.
People remember when you catch them and when you don't.
The look always begs the question: "Can I trust you? Do you notice I'm about to take a big risk here? Are you with me? If I reach out for your hand...will you be there for me?"
Psalm 89:8
Lord God All-Powerful, who is like you?
Lord, you are powerful and completely trustworthy.