- Photo by Adam Tarwacki & Dustin Maust -
I’m amazed when I look back on the summer. It’s been fast-paced, remarkable, demanding and fruitful. I’ve run as hard as I can run and soaked in the summer months with gratitude. Many of you did the same.
But now it’s Labor Day and our fall rhythms are beginning.
- Our plans for evangelistic outreach are intact and baptism services are on the books for September 21st & 22nd.
- The Early Learning Center is cranking.
- September dates are set for the Men’s Connect Event and the Women’s Connect Event.
- Our Student Ministry summer mission season was incredible and the fall GSM programs begin next Sunday.
- We're serving more in Monroe Circle as missional programming increases.
- 200 Discipleship Guides were trained this summer and we’re poised for the launch of our new church-wide discipleship (Life FOUNDATIONS) initiative on September 25th.
So, Sheila is taking me away for a few days to rest.
She planned this trip a long time ago. We’ve never been to Glacier National Park so she wanted to take me there to celebrate my 60th birthday. When she booked the trip, God knew what she didn’t; this time away together would be helpful and timely, more so than we could have imagined.
So, before I ask everyone at GCC to “stack hands” and make this fall one of the most God-honoring and encouraging seasons of our lives, I’d like to thank God for His love, thank you for your devotion to The Jesus Way and thank Sheila for 37 years of life and ministry together.
As I get internet (which seems non-existent in Glacier) I’ll post some pics.
Isaiah 52:7
beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of the messenger bringing good news,
Breaking the news that all’s well,
proclaiming good times, announcing salvation,
telling Zion, “Your God reigns!”