I'm pretty ticked; have been for nearly four months.
Because evil and duplicitous spammers somehow conspired to hammer my blog with about a zillion spam comments every day for the last few months. Yeah. Unbelievable. It's like every link, to every enterprise in the Universe, was shared with every evil-doer in "Blogdom" looking for a way to do-evil on my blog.
I spent so much time trying block the comments of nefarious spammers during the last few months that I lost all the time I had previously devoted to writing posts for my blog.
But a few days ago I wised-up and asked Kem Meyer and Daryl McMullen to help me. (They are the always brilliant and technically savvy rulers of the kingdom of "Blogdom.") I needed to purge my blog of spam comments so I asked them to use their secret comment-blocking powers to stop morally deficient spammers from using my blog as a septic tank for their pooh.
So, now people leaving comments on my blog "log-in" before commenting. Daryl and Kem say that simple little step will eliminate a lot of spam from my blog. (They are amazing and spammers should fear them. I'm not sure, but I think it's quite possible that they've laid a large number of top-secret surreptitious anti-spammer HTML traps to snare reprobate spammers who try to attack my blog.)
Kem and Daryl came to my rescue. I'm blessed. They're awesome.
Proverbs 11:25 - The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.