Years ago, back when I used a Nikon and shot film, my family went to my mom's house every year for Thanksmas, a marvelous blending of Thanksgiving and Christmas intended to help our dispersed family congregate before the busiest days of the holidays kicked into high gear.
Those were marvelous times together, filled with laughter and joy.
The year I took this picture (which we scanned a few days ago for Isaac's Memorial Service), we were surprised by an early season snowstorm. We grabbed some old sleds from Mom's garage and went to the park where I went sledding as a little boy.
The old sleds worked and we had a grand day together, flying down the snowy hills on ancient wooden SPEEDAWAYs that were never intended to hold piles of laughing children stacked on board. The only time I remember the kids hitting the Pause Button was when their Grandma jumped on a sled, sped down the hill and crashed into a tree. Luckily, those were the days when the accepted remedy for all minor injuries was to "put ice on it." There was plenty of ice available and Grandma was fine.
I love looking at this picture of Josh, Isaac, Amber and Aaron. I love it. I love that I was there to take it. I love that I kept it. I love the memories it brings back to me every time I look at it.
Cherish your days friends. Make the most of them and never wish them away, hoping they'll pass more quickly so you can jump right into the days you presume lie ahead. Who knows how many days lie ahead? I'm guessing it's better to make the most of this day than to assume you'll be able to wait and give your best effort tomorrow.
These Days of Christmas will pass and "just like that" they'll become memories to look back on with gratitude or regret; the choice is ours.
1 Thessalonians 6b-8 - It’s especially gratifying to know that you continue to think well of us, and that you want to see us as much as we want to see you! In the middle of our trouble and hard times here, just knowing how you’re doing keeps us going. Knowing that your faith is alive keeps us alive.