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December 16, 2013


Kem Lanning Meyer

Praying for you during this time of loss and suffering. Our hearts are heavy and also secure as we hold on to Jesus together. Know you are loved and when you weep, we weep.


Praying for you and your family.

Karen Carow Slaggert

My niece and nephew and their 3 beautiful children worship at Summit. They have taken many, many steps closer to Jesus through the incredible teachings of their beloved pastor Isaac. The spiritual legacy he has given to them and to their entire congregation is an eternal gift. He pointed them to Jesus. We worshipped with them many times and were touched by Isaac's teaching as well. You are ALL in our prayers.

Dacia Marie Kanaan

i love the charge to BE with those we've been given to love -- to cherish the time we have with them here.

thanks so much for the reminder.

Brad Skiles

Thanks, Mark, for sharing your family with us. Thanks for posting Issac's service ... I passed it along to four of my closest friends. God has a victory through this pain. Thanks for allowing us to be impacted by Issac's life.

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