"Manhood at the most basic level
can be validated and expressed
only in action."
- George Gilder, from Sexual Suicide, (1973) -
My friend Braxston Cave (recently on Notre Dame's National Championship Team and now with the New England Patriots), was in town today. We grabbed some lunch and caught up on old times. I gave him a copy of Mansfield's Book of MANLY MEN because I really like Braxston and figure every guy who reads this book will be a better man.
I learned a lot at lunch.
I'll share four things I learned.
- I learned that all those nice people taking orders, refilling drinks and delivering food to hungry restaurant patrons are actually professional photographers, carefully disguised at waiters and waitresses.
- Seeing this picture on the screen on the back of my camera, I realized I am a petite and diminutive fellow.
- I learned that I do not eat as much as an NFL lineman.
- I learned a few lessons on leadership because Braxston had gleaned great insights from one of the organizers of his small group Bible Study ... and he gladly passed them along to me.
I learned more, but I'm not listing everything now because several people have told me, "If your blog is too long, I just look at the pictures."
Proverbs 4:13 - Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life—guard it well.