Good Friday is the solemn commemoration of the passion and death of Jesus Christ. This day is the most sorrowful of any day in the history of the world. Jesus, innocent and without sin, freely offered His life for the redemption of the sins of the entire world.
The Gospel of John is clear: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends.” On this day that famous verse, quoted in all corners of the world, written on signs at sporting events, and written in Bibles and memorized by millions came to fulfillment: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.”
Let's not forget this amazing Gift.
Our Lord spared no pain, retained no shred of human dignity. He was scourged, crowned with thorns, spat upon, made to carry a cross through the streets as he suffered abuse along the way. He was nailed to a cross and He hung there in agony until He died ... for our sins. There is no sacrifice we make that compares to His. Though we suffer, we've sinned. Our Lord was perfect and was tortured and killed for us.
Christ in His mercy opened the Gates of Heaven for us.
Before our Easter Celebrations this weekend, we'll share a sacramental service at Noon on Good Friday. We'll meet for one purpose, to exalt Jesus.
John 12:32-33 - As I am lifted up from the earth on the cross, I will attract everyone, Gentiles as well as Jews to Myself. He said this to signify in what manner He would die.