It's Independence Day and this weekend we're honoring our military veterans during every GCC Weekend Service. I love the way we give honor where honor is due, and honor is due those who serve in our military. I hope you'll invite your friends to one of GCC's remarkable 4th of July services.
Of course, our "At The Movies" series continues this weekend with Hollywood's recent release, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It's the logical movie to use in our 4th of July Weekend Services because of its overarching themes of sacrifice and freedom. Captain America is a serum-powered-super-soldier from WWII, cryogenically frozen for decades and awakened just in time to step-up and save America .... again.
The movie's EPIC "Upper Story" begs the question: Should normal people sacrifice freedom for more security, or security for more freedom? The "Upper Story" juxtaposes old-school-ideals with corruption, dishonesty and government overreach veiled in secrecy. Cap's desire to do the right thing hasn't changed in 70 years, but America has. What's an old-school-guy supposed to do when faced with airborne surveillance-state drones?
The movie's "Lower Story" chronicles the journey of a scrawny kid from Brooklyn, initially unfit for military service, who willingly volunteers to step-up and serve his country. He is a good man, willing to sacrifice his life in the battle between "good" and "evil." His unerring moral compass has him asking he same questions many Americans ask: How do we do the right thing in the face of secrets, duplicity and moral compromise? What does heroism look like when you want to do what's right but you're not quite clear what that is any more?
I loved this movie.
At one point in the movie Cap says, "The price of freedom is high, but it's the price I'm willing to pay." It's a great line, but hey, he's Captain America; he says stuff like that.
Captain America has an appetite for doing what's right ... no matter what.
This weekend at GCC we'll hoist our sails to experience GOD's Truth, Love and Power. We'll remember GOD's invitation to join HIM in HIS great mission of redemption and restoration. And we'll encourage each other to step-up and do what's right ... no matter what.
Proverbs 13:25a - "An appetite for good brings much satisfaction."