Here's the conversation that took place in our little rental car a few days ago.
Sheila and I were on our way to the headquarters of the World Methodist Council at Lake Junaluska. I interpreted the humbling invitation to preach there as an assignment from GOD so I accepted the responsibility.
We were about an hour away from Junaluska when I glanced to the side of the road and asked Sheila if she had seen what I thought I saw...
ME: Did you see that?
ME: Back there in the woods. It looked like an elk.
SHEILA: Really?
ME: It's at 9:00 o'clock. ... 8:00 o'clock. ... I'm pulling over ... I've got to see this ... I'm going back there.
SHEILA: Take your camera with you and if it's still there you can get it!
I walked a short distance and there he was: a little bull elk, still in velvet, munching leaves in the forest.
This "pause for a picture of an elk moment" was more than an interruption to my mission; it was a beautiful moment enriching our lives. A late start would have made it impossible for us to stop and enjoy this scene. We would have driven right past if we hadn't built a little margin into our schedule, but because we planned an early arrival, there was enough margin for us to embrace this little serendipity along the way.
I encourage you to create some margin in your schedule as you move through the 38th Day of our 40 Day Experience of GOD. Who knows what may be gained by creating margin for a one-hour-FAST, some prayer and a simple reading of one chapter of Proverbs?
Proverbs 21:5 - Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.