The host pastors of the simulcast sites for Willow Creek's 2014 Leadership Summit have gathered in Chicago to debrief the experience and plan for next year's Summit. Hybels wisely evaluates what was done, so improvements can be made and the work can be done better next year.
We had meetings last night and I was preparing for today's effort when dawn broke over Lake Michigan.
I looked up from my notes on The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis snapped a picture of this sunrise because it was so different from what I'd recently experienced at first-light in the Canadian wilderness.
I was reading these words this morning:
"In all you do, remember the end and how you will stand before a strict Judge, from whom nothing is hid, who is not bribed with gifts, nor accepts excuses, but will judge with righteous judgment. ...
Then will it be seen that he who learned to be a fool and despised for Christ was the wise man in this world.
Then will all tribulation patiently borne-delight us, while the mouth of the ungodly will be stopped.
Then will every godly man rejoice, and every profane man will mourn.
Then the humble garment will become beautiful, and the precious robe will be considered vile.
Then the poor cottage will be more commended than the gilded palace.
Then enduring patience will have more might than all the power of the world.
Then simple obedience shall be more highly exalted than all worldly wisdom.
Then a good conscience will rejoice more than learned philosophy.
Then contempt of riches will have more weight than all the treasure of the children of this world.
Then will you find more comfort in having prayed devoutly than in having lived sumptuously.
Then holy deeds will be far stronger than many fine words.
Then a strict life and sincere penitence will bring deeper pleasure than all earthly delight."
Proverbs 4:18 - The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.