It won't be long until another generation of world-changers moves out into the deep. Where they're going, they'll need more than little inflatable "floaties" around their arms. They'll need Jesus.
I don't know everything that's ahead for them; I'm neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet. But I do know turbulence increases with depth and distance. The deeper they go, the more resistance they'll face. The more they venture into the un-sounded depths, the more tumultuous their lives will be.
Like it or not, they're heading into the world ... and the world is a violent place. It's hungry. It's angry. It's murderous. News agencies report some very disgruntled people are wielding influence in this world: people willing to do anything to satisfy their lust, assuage their guilt, exert their power and indulge their passions.
The next generation of world-changers is walking into a world that's deep in sin.
One song's well-known lyrics suggest people wading into difficult circumstances can take comfort in the knowledge that "It's 5 o'clock somewhere," and drinking a lot of alcohol can mollify your sense of duty so you just "don't care," but the next generation of world-changers isn't asking for "something tall and strong" so they can waste their days drinking rum cocktails. Instead, they are leaving the beach and moving courageously into the unfathomable depths of a faithful life.
The next generation of world-changers is looking for more than life on the beach. We can either train them, taking them by the hand and leading them with loving discipline and godly advice (as Paul instructed the Christians in Ephesus), or we can come down hard on them and make it difficult for them to obey GOD's commands when life gets tough.
Do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them [tenderly] in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 4:6)
The next generation of world-changers needs our help.
Let's give it.
Let's lead them to Jesus and invite them to follow Jesus with us. Let's train them in righteousness. If we do, they'll be fine, unafraid and fully awakened to GOD's mission, no matter what they face as they go deeper ... and deeper ... and deeper.
Luke 5:4 - Jesus said, "Put out into the deep water ..."