GCC Hosted the 2014 Leadership Summit and it was fantastic.
I made a zillion notes and took a few pictures, so I'm posting some random shots from our two days of reflection (fueled by lots of coffee and conversation with friends), I heard some amazing statements and I'm sharing a few of them too.
I pray you are strengthened and encouraged by both.
"The one thing we can’t guarantee is outcomes.
It’s heartbreaking, but we can’t guarantee outcomes.
We can guarantee process.
No one will ever outwork us.
If you trust us, that we’re willing to work hard on your behalf,
invest money on your behalf and play to win,
that’s the best we can offer."
(Jeffrey Immelt)
"Everybody wins when a leader gets better."
(Bill Hybels)
"Use the laughter as the anesthesia to get to the heart of the matter."
(Tyler Perry)
Bill’s dad told him two things:
i. Figure it out.
ii. Don’t call me.
"As soon as you start caring about something,
you’ll have a need for 'crucial conversations.'"
(Joseph Grenny)
"Ask: 'Where are we going?
Why are we going there?
How are we going to get there?
Why is it better than where we are now?'"
Carly Fiorina
"Over time, you will question my decisions, but you will never question my intentions. Over the 12 years, there’s nobody on the team that doesn’t say I put the company first."
(Jeffrey Immelt)
"Only the Senior Leader can bring about the resolve to turn around a culture."
(Bill Hybels)
"GOD says, 'Let the poor come and work your fields.'"
(Brian Loritts)
"There is no such thing as a “one size fits all” environment."
(Susan Cain)
He looked up and said, 'Not yet.'”
(Erica Ariel Fox)
'Do you think my staff and employees are more important than you?'"
(Patrick Lencioni)
"Anytime you find yourself stuck, ask: What crucial conversation are we not holding or not holding well? Best way to have fewer crucial conversations is to have a meaningless life. As soon as you start to care, you have to start having these."
(Joseph Grenny)
If you're not going to do anything about the answer, then don't ask.
(Wilfredo Jesus
“I like work."
(Jeffrey Immelt)
"It doesn’t help to have structures and process
that have nothing to do with the goals!"
(Carly Fiorina)
1 Peter 5:1-3 - I have a special concern for you church leaders. I know what it’s like to be a leader, in on Christ’s sufferings as well as the coming glory. Here’s my concern: that you care for God’s flock with all the diligence of a shepherd. Not because you have to, but because you want to please God. Not calculating what you can get out of it, but acting spontaneously. Not bossily telling others what to do, but tenderly showing them the way.