We found a suitable island, secured our boats and prepared for a shore-lunch of fresh-caught walleye.
I don't know when I've enjoyed a finer meal.
It's amazing where you can end up if you're willing to group-up with a few friends to drive 40 hours in a van, fly two more in a small float-plane and then steer a little fishing boat four or five miles across a lake.
I'm in northern Ontario with men I trust, eating fish and discussing The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. My group is far from anything trending, close to everything unchanging and near something life-giving; every wilderness place reminds me of GOD's Majesty and my utter dependence on Him.
I have my camera with me so I can preserve these sacred moments with more than a fading memory, and so I can tell GOD's Story of Redemption and Restoration with more than words.
It's amazing where you can end up if you're willing to drive fifteen or twenty minutes to a friend's house and carve out some time for meaningful conversation. With a little bit of effort we can all take steps together toward Christ, so let's "Group-up," and we'll wade into an adventure of TRANSFORMATION worth remembering.
Galatians 6:15b - What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation.