The ARTS matter.
The ARTISTS who bring the ARTS matter.
I will always thank GOD for those who offer their artistic and technical abilities to GOD. As ARTISTS "group-up" and devote themselves to worship, they help me examine myself more honestly, confess my sin more thoroughly, repent more deeply, sing more confidently and praise GOD more passionately.
I have some pictures of a few of the ARTISTS who took us with them into worship this weekend. They have my deepest gratitude.
Psalm 66:1-4
Shout joyfully to God, all the earth;
Sing the glory of His name;
Make His praise glorious.
Say to God, “How awesome are Your works!
Because of the greatness of Your power
Your enemies will give feigned obedience to You.
All the earth will worship You,
And will sing praises to You;
They will sing praises to Your name."