I was preparing this weekend's talk about the wisdom of "grouping-up" when I read these words from Thomas à Kempis.
"Nature is deceitful and draws away, ensnares, and deceives many, and always has self for her end; but grace walks in simplicity and turns away from every appearance of evil, makes no false pretenses, and does all entirely for the sake of God."
To protect against personal vulnerabilities, and avoid being "ensnared" by his own web of self deceit, à Kempis asked his friends to bravely follow Jesus with him.
"Come, my friends, let us together go forward. Jesus will be with us. For Jesus' sake have we taken up this cross, for Jesus' sake let us persevere in the cross. He will be our helper, who was our captain and forerunner. Our King enters before us, and He will fight for us. Let us follow bravely."
More than 1000 GCC'ers have already registered to "group-up" for GCC's launch of more than 100 groups this weekend. You can participate too. Get your daily journal/study guide book here and register for a GCC group here.
Let us together go forward.
We begin this weekend.
Proverbs 29:6 - By transgression an evil man is ensnared, but the righteous sings and rejoices.