- Two StratOps Friends: Mark Waltz and Doug Slaybaugh -
I worked with our staff on GCC's mission for the last 2 days... because mission matters.
Jesus was "on mission," even when he was a young boy. He asked his mother, after her long search for him in Jerusalem, "Why did you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about my father's business?" He was 12 years old and already doing the work his Heavenly Father commanded him to do.
Jesus lived "on mission" every day, devoting his entire life to GOD's mission:
- Save the world
- Give his life as a ransom for many; lay down his life for his sheep
- Preach Good News to the poor
- Heal the brokenhearted
- Call the "unrighteous" to repentance
- Seek and save those who are lost
- Set people free from the power and consequences of sin
- Raise the dead
- Give abundant life to his followers
- Finish his Father's work on earth
- Reveal his Father to the world
The way we experience rich, full and abundant lives is by living on GOD's mission.
Few do, but everyone should.
John 17:18 - (Jesus prayed for his disciples): "In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world."