Sheila and I went to The Potawatomi Zoo with Angela, Lydia and Norah today. After worshipping with GCC this weekend, we headed out to make a few memories together.
My brother Matt, and sister-in-law Linda, shared the adventure, which shall ever be remembered, from this day forward, as "Our Zoo Trip."
Lydia was spellbound by Aunt Linda's interest in every topic Lydia found interesting.
Uncle Matt has always been the best brother in the world... and today he was Norah's best friend too.
Flamingos. What is there to say about Flamingos?
Aunt Linda coaxed questions and answers from the kids at every exhibit. She is amazing.
- Photo by Angela Keim -
When it was my turn to carry a grandkid... it was my privilege to do so.
There's nothing like family... and if you haven't gotten your family to the zoo... take them soon. It's a great way to build memories you'll cherish for years to come.
Romans 12:10 - Love [Be devoted to] each other ·like brothers and sisters [with family/brotherly affection]. ·Give each other more honor than you want for yourselves [or Outdo one another in showing honor; or Be eager to show honor to one another].