Sheila and I volunteered to serve at the annual "Dancing With Our Stars" auction last night. So did many others from GCC.
I grabbed some pictures of the Dance Sport professionals and the talented "Stars" who danced with them. These folks helped our community raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for The Center for the Homeless.
I must tell you about one GCCer who had a huge impact on the event. Marybeth Roncz is an incredible leader and much of the evening's success is the direct result of her indefatigable effort. She asked Sheila and I sit at her table, which was great because I got to share the evening with her husband Rick... and because Sheila and I were close to the dance floor.
After the auction Sheila and I spent the remainder of the evening trying to do the dance move picture above, but I eventually abandoned all hope of kicking myself in the small of my back with my own left foot and went to bed.
Isaiah 58:7 - Share your food with the hungry.