I took this picture in Wyoming last year.
I was thrilled when I saw the bull approaching. He was over six feet at the shoulder and pushing 1000 pounds. It was exhilarating to see him walk so near. I was still electrified as he faded into the forest.
I wasn't upset because our encounter was brief; I was overjoyed that it happened at all. What's to complain about when you've had a once-in-a-lifetime-experience?
Asked if all I got from the experience was this picture of the south-end of a north-bound moose, I answered that I'm grateful to have seen the beast at all. Rather than complaining because life's wonderful experiences seem so brief and fleeting, I intend to give thanks for them.
May GOD give us the grace we need to joyfully live within the limits HE has set, as we cherish each sacred moment.
Titus 2:12b - Grace teaches us to live in the present age in a wise, self-controlled, upright and just way.